
Like A Glove

Timeless, sexy, witty and of course elegant Marie Antoinette lives on through Lamu Fashion! Not only does this sexy dress come in it's full form with masquerade material, but my readers can also use this outfit without all the ballgowns as a sexy lingerie for the bedroom as well! My readers can pick up this magnificent piece of history at the main store...

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Down with the Fallen

Lemme get a Z! Gimme an E! N! I! T! H! What's that spell? One of my guilty pleasures! *giggles* Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Today I have one of my favorite guilty pleasures in fashion as a free group gift! What I love is being able to wear outfits that make the scenic backgrounds look like a painting! Have a happy day!...

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I'm feeling nostalgic latley, and thanks to an idea (that was bloomed up by Skyra) I was able to put something into more! That, and I have been in my 90's rock and roll mood too, which made this all black outfit. I have lately been trying to find some new rock/alternative that I actually enjoy listening too, but I'm afraid I'm stuck...

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Fly Me to The Moon

Not only do I have a sponsor item for my readers today, but I also have a design that fit my mood for the day that I have created myself! My college schedule is once again back and I am going to get a tad bit busy again! But alas, I will always make time for my readers and my hobby. First and...

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Chewing Gum

On this incredibly foggy evening, I am proud to bring my readers a post that is not only sexy, but is full of birthday spirit! Thanks to my wonderful fiances help (with photoshop and other things that made this necessary) I was able to make this collab a wonder edition to my blog! The reason for this very unique post, is that today...

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Out of the Woods

I know this is just a tad bit late, but here we go! Happy New Year my readers! Today I have not only some goodies just from the last Arcade round, but I have a sponsor item from the one and only Delirium! This Madi Double Shirt comes in different textures and is a great way to lounge around in style in our...

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" I can see the finish line with each line that I finish I'm so close to my goals I can almost pole vault over the goal post And if I don't got enough in the tank, maybe I can just siphon enough To fill up this last can, man will I survive in this climate or what? They said I was washed...

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Love In the Dark

That moment when your blogger friend makes you want to spend every Linden that you have left. At least I still have the strength to kind of not spend it? Haha, well that won't last long with me, I'll  have to purchase something or other... Speaking of buying things... I have a new item from Delirium that will make any Second Life avatar...

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