
Thursday, August 07, 2014

Not only am I bringing back some KV Dream Fashion for you guys, but this time... the theme is The Hunger Games! Yes! If you have read or watched the Hunger Games you would know that the dresses and outfits used for the officials and the tributes are simply kind of outrageous yet gorgeous. KV is hosting the Opium Evolution Event, which all the dresses will be sold there until August 31st. Then afterwards, you can buy them on the KV sim if you didn't get a chance too. Don't worry though, I've got y'all covered. I will be posting the other dresses when I get a chance to as well, so that way, you can't simply miss what is going on! The dress I am wearing is the District 9 Tribute Woman. I love this dress because it hugs my body so snugly and shows off my curves! I feel like a true diva. KV Dream Fashion is unique clothing for your unique closet! You can purchase one of a kind dresses that will make your closet want more! Quality dresses for your quality life! Classy is in ladies, and KV Dream Fashion always makes classy look so good. I will have links below for your shopping pleasure!

"May the Odds be ever in your favor"

 Hair: Deinze by !Saltgrass!

Lipstick: Jade Lipstick Deep Red Silver Stripe by Oceanes Body Design

Dress: District 9 Tribute Woman by EF Design @ Opium Evolution Event: Hunger Games

Hands: AvEnhance Casual Female by Slink

Feet: AvEnhance Feet Female High by Slink

Heels: Peeptoe Heels/Black by BabyDoll.

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