
Fight For You

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A very quick post before I have to have a long laborious day at work. So I'm going to keep it short and snappy! First and foremost is the outfit that I am wearing which is of course a 1 Hundred exclusive! My readers can pick this up in the classic 1 Hundred colors at Anybody Event! Of course last but not least I have this pose that I am using which of course is Something New! My readers can pick up this pose to water their own garden exclusively at the TWE12VE of May Event! Happy Shopping <3

Hat: Summer Bash by Legal Insanity

Hair: Nora by Runaway 

Head: Catya by Catwa

Eyeshadow: Monsoon Shadow by Veechi

Lipstick: Velvet Creme by Veechi

Tattoo: Tesis by White Widow

Hands: Prohands by Vista

Outfit: Flirt Top & Skirt Strawberry by 1 Hundred @ Anybody 

Heels: Jessy White by CandyDoll

Pose: Our Garden by Something New @ TWE12VE

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