I Gotsta Get Paid
Thursday, December 15, 2016
I am in a tough place today, I was told that I was excellent at my job and that I shouldn't worry about not keeping it after seasonal but yet I feel like one manager saying that doesn't solidify that. So I am extremely stressed out and need to find something to help me feel like I am safe. Otherwise... I don't know what I will do, or where I will end up.... My life is going to be up in the air until the 7th. In the meantime, I am struggling with family problems with one of my grandparents being in a very weak position and is driving my mother up the wall. And I can't do anything to help her, or help myself. At this point I have tested the alcohol waters and found it to be a good place if I really need to not be upset or angry. Though I will say, I have the will power to not push it because I don't want to be a mess. So what I am wearing today is from 1 Hundred and is exclusively at the Women Only Hunt 2! Happy Shopping <3
Hair: Cassandra by Truth
Head: Catya by Catwa
Bodysuit: Thermal BodySuit by 1 Hundred @ Women Only Hunt 2
Shoes: Ballerina Warmers by Reign
Pose: Emily 3 by Verocity