I wished for warmer weather... and I got it. At work we can't have enough fans around. Anyways, I guess I got my wish with warmer weather and sunshine! Anyways, I was jamming out earlier to a song that crept into my head. I know the photo doesn't really capture it but I figured why not. So today I have some more Suicide Dollz for my readers! To close the last day of May I have these items as the last round starts to come to a close. Make sure you snag them before they are gone! Happy Shopping ♥
Hair: Skye by !Oleander
Head: Catya by Catwa
Eyeshadow: Smokey Eyes by [Leluck] @ Suicide Dollz
Lipstick: Victoria Lipstick II by LEVORE @ Suicide Dollz
Earrings: Miriam Ears Piercings by **RE**
Necklace: Soiree Necklace Silver by Pixicat
Body: Lara by Maitreya
Tattoo: Girl Boss Tattoo by Speakeasy
Lingerie: Thetis Lace Dress by [WitchCraft] @ Suicide Dollz
Thong: Morgana Harness by .epoch. @ Suicide Dollz
Heels: Tropaeolum by #Empire
Pose: Breather 7 by FoxCity